Who knows me better than "ME"..I knew i m a lazy lousy fellow who is the king of all procastinators when it comes to writing and thats why i wrapped my blog in a polythene to save it from the dust which will accumulate over it while i m busy avoiding writing :) Now this "Better late than never" soap opera is my attempt to clean that dust!! I am back to India..and before smelling the soil of motherland i did a lot of "masti" which i didn't update...So for my personal records and for all of you who atleast like reading these write ups...here i go!!
Episode 1 starts with my trip to Dallas.... With my one small bag which had 3 pairs of essential clothings i set off for dallas in the famous "greyhound" bus...More than being excited for going to a different city I was joyous for meeting my buddy Abhimanyu..aka Abhi! I had my camera hanging around my neck and I was trying to capture all the scenic moments on the highway..but only god knows when I dozed off! When I opened my eyes I was at the bus stop. I got down..called Abhi and there he was with his sparkling black Accord. With a warm hug and a big smile we started off...We were talking a lot and she was guiding us ..infact trying to guide us. She was hanging to the windscreen of the car and they call it GPS..which for me stood for GOD Please Shutup...In her cranking nasal voice she tried a lot to ensure we reach "Six Flags" through the shortest route but we were hell bent on testing its "Recalculating" strategies.. Six Flags is an amusement park like our Essel world, wonderla etc etc..But it boasts of having some of the world's biggest and steepest rides...mind u ...they were being compared at the WORLD level....and that was a good enough reason for us to take those rides... I wont bug u with all the description of rides but one of them is worth mentioning...Its a roller coaster which is freaking 150-200ft high and has a fall of 70 degrees...till we sat in that ride we were in dilemma to do it or not...we gave many reasons to convince each other for that ride but the only reason that made us sit in that ride was that we were standing in the queue...AND it was our turn...All buckled up the roller coaster treaded slowly towards the top from where it had to start the "death fall"..a steep 70 degrees ensured that we cant see the guy in frnt of us..and the height was enough to make us breath as much air in a second as much ...ok forget it..we stopped breathing..the coaster fell and I could barely see the ground closing in...MUMMY...and i closed the eyes :) we fell fell fell...and i realise how humpty dumpty would be feeling after being falling for years now !!
but soon my pocket made me realise that i m wasting my dollars if i close my eyes...i opened them..and man...we were zooming at 170-200kmph...so so so so fast...that i could see myself at 2 points on the coaster at the same time.. exaggeration unintended! Though I am supposed to take many more enthralling RIDES in my life ahead...but this one was "class apart"
Six flags ended with both of dehydrating !! We started our search for a motel and after a couple of hours of rest and masti at "Swami Ji's" motel we set off to "Madras pavillion" which promised to provide us the best of Indian food in Dallas! before i proceed further i would like to confess something... Swami ji incase u read this write up..we would like to apologise for breaking ur bed in course of our summer sault photography stint!!
At night we went to Dallas downtown and bottom line is...it sucks!! Next day we went to Dallas's Outlet malls..did a whooping shopping of 500-700$ and thats the end of Dallas!!
Back to Austin I still shivered thinking of the roller coaster ride...
and yes..lest i forget I loved the ride in Abhi's car...We were frnds for yrs now...and we never dreamt of sitting in a "BIG" car playing our fav songs esp "Fanna from Yuva" and zooming on freeways in USA...Love u Abhi for all the fun we had
P.S. I AM STRAIGHT...dead straight...u can use me as a ruler to draw straight lines at times..so the love is not wat u pervert is thinking :)